Monday, December 6, 2010

i moved...

to tumblr that is. haha.
but its down at the moment....and i need to blog.


i'm about to start this secrets posting on my tumblr...which i just went blank on the url. hang on. well anyway, my usertag is lunalove513, i believe. ha. i'm not sure, i'll get back to you when the website comes back up.
so because its down, i'm gonna post over here for a while, until it comes back up.

secret #1

so there we have it, my secret. told to the world...
one of my many secrets that is.. :-/

kisses bitches

Thursday, November 4, 2010

yes...i was this bored. :P


[ONE] Who was your last text from? What does it say?
"Lol I'm tired like i can't stay awake in class"--Nick

[TWO] Where was your default pic taken?
uh...i don't even know what my default pic is. xD

[THREE] Your relationship status? nick. :D

[FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?

last night, matter of fact. :(

[FIVE] What’s your current mood?

[SIX] Why?
Because of everything that happened last night.

[SEVEN] Do you have a job?

[EIGHT] Where do you wish you were right now?
anywhere but here.

[NINE] Have a crazy side?
of course.

[TEN] Ever had a near death experience?

[ELEVEN] Something you do a lot?
cry. haha.

[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?

[THIRTEEN] What stops you from going for the person you like?
used to be that he was taken...but now, nothing...bc i have the person i like, forget that other guy. ha.

[FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried?
um..almost did last night.

[FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?

[SIXTEEN] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
wayyy tooo much stuff.

[SEVENTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Nick. :) got to wake my babyy up this morning.

[EIGHTEEN] What is your favorite song?
um. Love Like Woe -- The Ready Set.

[NINETEEN] What are you doing right now?
this, texting nick, checking up on angel and watching vegas.

[TWENTY] Who do you trust right now?
a few people.

[TWENTY-ONE] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
idr actually. xD

[TWENTY-TWO] Do you have a cell phone?
yes i do.

[TWENTY-THREE] Who is your friend that lives closest to you?

[TWENTY-FOUR] Describe your life in one word?

[TWENTY-FIVE] Who are you thinking of right now?
who? nick.

[TWENTY-SIX] What should you be doing right now?

[TWENTY-SEVEN] What are you listening to?

[TWENTY-EIGHT] Who was the last person who gave you a hug to?
lisa lou.

[TWENTY-NINE] Who was the last person who yelled at you?

[THIRTY] Do you act differently around the person you like?
Nah. :)

[THIRTY-ONE] What is your natural hair color?
dark brown.

[THIRTY-TWO] Who was the last person to make you laugh really hard?

[THIRTY-THREE] Who was the last person to make you sad or pissed?

[THIRTY-FOUR] What do you hear right now?
Vegas playin in the background.

[THIRTY-FIVE] Is your natural hair curly or straight?

[THIRTY-SIX] Has anyone ever called you “scrumptious” before?
hahaha. yes.

[THIRTY-SEVEN] Do you have a best friend?
only the best.

[THIRTY-EIGHT] Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
uh..sunday, was the in the past three days?

[THIRTY-NINE] Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
:) :D xD :P --not me.

[FORTY] Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
oh yes.

[FORTY-ONE] Are you happy with life right now?
i spose so.

[FORTY-TWO] Are you currently jealous?

[FORTY-THREE] what jewelry are you wearing?

[FORTY-FIVE] What was the last CD you bought?
uhhh..haha. idk.

[FORTY-SIX] Do you rent movies often?
not so much anymore.

[FORTY-SEVEN] Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in right now?

[FORTY-EIGHT] What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
um...spots on my chest.

[FORTY-NINE] How late did you stay up last night and why?
like 1am. dealing with sdb.

[FIFTY] Can you date someone for longer than a year?

[FIFTY-ONE] Do you plan outfits?
haha. sometimes.

[FIFTY-TWO] Whats the closest thing to you that’s red?
my hoodie.

[FIFTY-THREE] Do you say aim or a-i-m?

[FIFTY-FOUR] Did you meet anybody new today?
haven't left the house today. :P

[FIFTY-FIVE] What are you craving right now?

[FIFTY-SIX] What comes to mind when I say cabbage?

[FIFTY-SEVEN] When was the last time you talked on aim?
been a couple of days.

[FIFTY-EIGHT] Are you emotional?

[FIFTY-NINE] Would you dance to the taco song?
taco song?

[SIXTY] Have you ever counted to 1,000?
no. haha.

[SIXTY-ONE] Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?

[SIXTY-TWO] Do you like your hair?
I loveee ittt.

[SIXTY-THREE] Do you like yourself?
most days.

[SIXTY-FOUR] Have you ever met a celebrity?

[SIXTY-FIVE] Do you like cottage cheese?

[SIXTY-SIX]. What are you listening to right now?
...same thing as earlier... >.<

[SIXTY-SEVEN] Are your parents strict?

[SIXTY-EIGHT] Would you go sky diving?
just once. haha.

[SIXTY-NINE] Who sits in behind you in your math class?
i don't have a math class.

[SEVENTY] Have you made a prank phone call?

[SEVENTY-ONE] Do you own something from Hot Topic?

[SEVENTY-TWO] Ever been on a train?

[SEVENTY-THREE] Do you use chap stick?

[SEVENTY-FOUR] Ever had cream puffs?

[SEVENTY-FIVE] What is your bus number for school?
nooo bus.

[SEVENTY-SIX] Ever walked into a wall?

[SEVENTY-SEVEN] Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?

[SEVENTY-EIGHT] Favorite time of the year?

[SEVENTY-NINE] Favorite color?

[EIGHTY] Do you have any tattoos?
two. :)

[EIGHTY-ONE] Do you have good vision?
20/20 with my contacts. :P

[EIGHTY-TWO] Can you hula hoop?

[EIGHTY-THREE] What are you wearing?
hoodie and pj pants.

[EIGHTY-FOUR] What’s one thing you need to do?
gets someee sleeeep.

[EIGHTY-FIVE] Who’s one person who knows you inside and out?
my bffers.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

my bucket list

doing two posts about my weekend...(in a min) and the other one..well obvs right now. haha.

sooo idr when i made this...its been a while.
i saw someone had posted this list on their myspace about things they wanted to do before they die, aka their bucket list. (yeah, like the movie)
so i was like hmmm...what do i want to do.
so i sat down and made my list...

1. Meet Demi Lovato and tell her how much of a hero she is of mine.

2. Meet Kevin, Joe and Nick and not freak out. xD

3. Go to Paris, France and sit under the Eiffel Tower.

4. See New York, and find out what is so great about it.

5. Survive a winter in Michigan.

6. Take a picture in front of the Hollywood sign in California.

7. Have a son named Landon and a daughter named Aubree.

9. Learn how to spell…er…I mean count.

8. Meet Taylor Swift, and tell her how much her Fearless album fit my life when I was 19.

10. Lose weight and get my belly button pierced.

11. Meet Denny Hamlin.

12. Find true love.

13. and keep him forever. (working on it)

14. Kiss Steven Dewayne Bell everywhere that he’ll let me, but mostly on the lips. ;) July 31, 2010

15. Get married. (maybe)

16. Finish college and figure out what I'm going to do.

17. Own every season of Gilmore Girls (3 down, 4 to go)

18. Meet Katie Rose Cobb. :P

19. Catch a bigger fish then Kevin.

20. Actually own a Nissian Altima.

21. Get a tattoo. (March '09)

22. Live on the beach for at least a year.

23. Write a book geared towards teens.

24. Go skiing in the mountains of Colorado.

25. Meet Dale and his sister in Massachusetts, and make our sex tape. xD

26. Go parasailing and see a shark. ;)

27. Completely lose myself at a concert. (dancing, singing..yadda yadda)

28. Come out of my shell and ask a guy out.

29. Go to Maine and be the first one to see the sunrise.

30. See the Northern Lights over whatever country you can see them in.

so...basically thats my list...for now.

and yeah, i realize some of those are pretty far fetched...but i have the rest of my life to do this stuff, ya know. i mean, i didn't even remember writing some of theses. but yeahhh. so i wanted to post that..anddd i have to mark some off. haha.

anywhooooo, now i have to write my other blog, cause if you saw how #14 was marked out, you're probably like WTF?!?!?! xD hehe. :D

peace and loveee bitches(;


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


i have nooo idea what to do with this wealth of knowledge that i just obtained. ha. (that was a fun sentence to try and spell. xD)

sooo let me feeeel you i mean in. :)

so okay. back before kev and i started dating this time, i was talking to this guy named nick..who lives in MI. (i'm from tx) so anyways, we
were talking for a good while..then he decides that 'loves' me. so i'm like..ok? well idk about how i feel towards you. so anyways, steven came back (my soldier) in feb..and kind of messed things up..and what not. well nick was still all 'i love you so much' blah blah blah. so we were drifting apart. and i found comfort in kevin bc he was my bff and i could talk to him about everything right. so anyways. eventually kev and i decide to go out..and the day before nick changed his facebook status to 'in a relationship' so i was like ok..then he won't care.
so i didn't tell him. and long story short he asked me so i told him yeah. we were. so then he's all i knew it! i knew you guys were dating..and you tried t
o tell me you weren't...blah. so anyways. he
does wind up dating this chick...his ex. so ya know whatever.
well they just broke up like last weekend..and he's been texting me and shit. he thinks he can steal me from kev...buttt he can't esp with what
i just found out.
so i was just on marcie (his ex he got back together with) i was on her fb..bc i'm bored. and he posted on her wall 'i love you' on april 7, at i was like hmm..i wonder something. so i log into my myspace and low and be hold. i have a message from nick on april 7, at 5:12 that says.."i love you"

like seriously...WOW.
i want to tell this girl..not that it would really matter now, since they broke up again. but seriously. HE is the one that said he didn't know if he loved her and would down talk her and shit. i feel so bad for her. and i'm being to wonder if he down talked me...
i know his best girl friend didn't like me. in fact she down right hated me. idk what the fuck for. but yeah.

it just erks me. and pisses me the fuck off.
esp when he tried to sit there and say he was different and all this bullshit. yeah. he's different...he gets caught! its stupid.
i feel even worse for that girl, cause she has no way of i do. he did that publically. and probably figured i'd never go to her page..or that i would be able to see it. wellll guessss what?!
and he deleted whatever she had posted on his wall..cause i tried to click on it, and it just too me to his page. but yeah. like how fucking immature..seriously.
and i mean i'm being kind of childish..i guess but still.
i don't go around telling TWO totally different girls (boys) that i love them...TWO FUCKING MINUTES apart! seriously?!

AND the fucker thinks he got away with it. i wanna know what she said back to him...cause i didn't reply back to that message. hmmm.
i don't even know what i'm gonna say when i do ask him about it.

something like 'soo...i was on marcie's fb page today...and i noticed you had posted a comment on her i got to thinking..hey he left me a message on myspace around that time. so then i went and looked...and wow. you left me a message 2 minutes before you commented on her wall...and strange thing is...they say the same thing...wanna explain yourself?'

wow...i think i'll use that. haha. he'll probably be did you get marcie's fb?
'hunny, i have my ways. its not hard to find people in your friends list...' :)


i'm done bitching...for now. :D

peace, love and sexxxx. hahahaha. jk.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

i'm bad...

i have a boyfriend. i.have.a.boyfriend.

but, i'm in love with someone else...

Steven..obvs. haha.

all day yesterday steven was allll i talked about. x( so um. yeah.

and Kevin, is being a pain. Lets see...Sunday he was all 'come see me' blah blah blah. and whenever i would ask when, he wouldn't text back. so i got fed up and said nevermind that i had plans. and so later that night he text me "i love you baby" thats the FIRST time he's EVER said that to i was passed out, right. well he calls me like 40 mins later, and i answer, but he hangs up. so i was like wtf? well i fell back asleep and he called again, an hour later. but i couldn't wake up enough to answer it. So i text him back that morning.. I love you too.
now..he won't answer my texts or anything...and its wed. :( like i kinda just wanna cry. i mean really. i don't know whats going on anymore. everything was great, and now its just ugh. >.<>.< (sorry) but yeah, and so it kinda got me all outspoken so to say. cause his voice..its just man, its hot. haha. and idk i guess its cause that was like one of the first things i fell in love with about him. was hearing his voice, since i didn't get to hear it that much. I mean, obvs it was his typing that got me. ;) :P but man, when he'd call and i got to hear his voice, idk. and now its kinda the same, cause we're kinda back to talking everyday. and i LOVE it. bc i LOVE him. ya knows. angel was like if he lived up here, i think he would be good for you. i was like if he lived up here...i wouldn't be here. i was like nah. i'm just kidding. haha. i was like a lot of stuff would be different if he lived up here. she goes yeah, you wouldn't be with kevin, and i cut in and was like nope, i'd be with steven. and wouldn't have this problem. that's one reason i wish he lived up here, or even just closer, ya knows.

10 things i love about youu. :P
01. i love your sexyy deep voice.
02. i love the way you say my name.
03. i love how you call me sweetheart and misspell it every time. (hart)
04. i love the way a smile creeps up on your face, and then brights up the whole place.
05. i love your laugh...esp when i cause it.
06. i love the way you look at me, like i'm the only person in the world.
07. i love that you call me and don't just text.
08. i love the way you make me when you're around..or even when you call/text.
09. i love how you ask about my day, and my life. (roxie)
10. i love all your bad boy tattoos. ;)
11. i love your scars...they tell a story of your past.
12. i love the way you look in a baseball cap.
13. i love loving you.
14. i love the history we have together.
15. i love the way you make fun of me. (whale)
16. i love that i can tell you anything, and you won't judge me.
17. i love that i can be myself when i'm with you.
18. i love the cologne you wear. it makes me weak.
19. i love the way my brain turns to mush when you look at me.
20. i love everything about you.

10 things i hate.
01. i hate that you live 4-ish hours away.
02. i hate that i can't come see you whenever i wish.
03. i hate that i can't be with you.
04. i hate that i don't know how you feel about me anymore.
05. i hate how my mom doesn't even know you but doesn't like you.
06. i hate parts of our past.
07. i hate the way my brain turns to mush when you look at me.

10 things i wish.
01. i wish i was your girl.
02. i wish you were here right now.
03. i wish you lived here.
04. i wish i wouldn't lose my thoughts when you look at me.
05. i wish i was outspoken when you are around.
06. i wish i could say things that i want to.
07. i wish i would have met you before you went into the army.
08. i wish you wouldn't have been married when he had met.
09. i wish you would realize that i'm not like those other girls...
10. i wish my dad was still alive...he really liked you.

10 i'm glad/sorry
01. i'm glad i met you when i did.
02. i'm thankful that you are in my life.
03. i'm sorry i ruined your marriage.
04. i'm glad you came up here every time you did.
05. i'm sorry i can't just up and come see you whenever i want.
06. i'm sorry my mom doesn't like you.
07. i'm glad that you kissed me...even though i was pissed about it later.
08. i'm glad i can tell you anything and everything.
09. i'm thankful your one of my best friends.
10. i'm sorry i can't talk when you come around.

i needed to get those off my chest. i feel lots better now. anddd yeah, i kinda went overboard on the loves. hehe. sorrys.

oh and guess who just text me...oh my boyfriend. see i made you forget i had one, didn't i? yeah. i'm good like that. ha.

okays. i'm done.
